1. Each competitor is called onstage individually in numerical order in a two-piece bikini and high heels and, at center stage, performs four quarter turns and then forms in equal numbers along diagonal lines at each side of the stage. The center stage area is left clear for the callouts.

2. The head judge then directs groups of competitors in numerical order through the quarter turns. The size of the groups is at the discretion of the head judge.

3. The head judge then directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the quarter turns. The number and placement of competitors in the callouts is at the discretion of the head judge.


4. Each competitor is called onstage individually in numerical order and has up to a maximum of two minutes to perform a fitness routine to music of the competitor’s choice. 5. The fitness routine must contain the following mandatory movements in any order:
  • push up (of any kind)
  • high kick
  • straddle hold
  • side split

6. Each competitor is then called onstage individually in numerical order in a two-piece bikini and high heels and, at center stage, performs four quarter turns and then forms in equal numbers along diagonal lines at each side of the stage. The center stage area is left clear for the callouts.

7. The head judge then directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the quarter turns. The number and placement of competitors in the callouts is at the discretion of the head judge.


8. The Judging and Finals are valued at 33% and 67% respectively.

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